Writing Scholarship Recommendation Letters

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Scholarship recommendation letters play a crucial role in the evaluation of scholarship applications. They provide insights into an applicant’s character, achievements, and potential, helping selection committees make informed decisions. As a writer of recommendation letters, it is important to understand the purpose, process, and best practices for creating compelling and effective letters. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of writing scholarship recommendation letters that can greatly impact an applicant’s chances of success.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Purpose and Importance of Recommendation Letters

The role of recommendation letters in scholarship applications

Recommendation letters serve as endorsements from individuals who can provide valuable insights into an applicant’s abilities, character, and potential. These letters offer a different perspective and add depth to an applicant’s profile beyond their academic achievements and personal statements.

How recommendation letters influence the selection process

Scholarship selection committees often receive a large number of applications. Recommendation letters help committee members differentiate between qualified candidates by providing additional information and context. They offer a subjective assessment of an applicant’s qualifications and suitability for the scholarship.

Choosing the Right Recommenders

Identifying individuals who can write strong recommendation letters

When selecting recommenders, it is important to choose individuals who have a genuine understanding of the applicant’s abilities and accomplishments. Ideal recommenders include professors, mentors, employers, or supervisors who have worked closely with the applicant and can provide insightful observations.

Considering the recommender’s qualifications and relationship with the applicant

Recommenders should possess credibility and expertise in their respective fields. Their qualifications, achievements, and reputation add weight to the recommendation. Additionally, the recommender should have a personal relationship with the applicant, allowing them to provide specific examples and anecdotes that highlight the applicant’s strengths.

Providing Necessary Information to Recommenders

Sharing relevant details about the scholarship and its requirements

To assist recommenders in writing tailored letters, provide them with information about the scholarship, its goals, and the criteria by which applicants are evaluated. This helps the recommender align their letter with the scholarship’s objectives and emphasize qualities that the selection committee values.

Providing the recommender with information about the applicant’s achievements and goals

Furnish recommenders with a comprehensive overview of the applicant’s achievements, academic record, extracurricular activities, and community involvement. Highlight any unique experiences or challenges the applicant has faced. This information equips the recommender with specific examples to support their positive evaluation of the applicant.

Crafting a Compelling Recommendation Letter

Structuring the letter effectively

A well-structured recommendation letter follows a logical flow. It typically begins with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs that highlight the applicant’s qualifications, achievements, and character traits. The letter should conclude with a concise summary that reinforces the recommender’s endorsement.

Highlighting the applicant’s strengths and accomplishments

Focus on the applicant’s strengths and accomplishments that are directly relevant to the scholarship’s requirements. Highlight their academic achievements, leadership qualities, research abilities, or community involvement. Provide concrete examples and statistics to support your claims.

Providing specific examples and anecdotes

Support your evaluation with specific instances where the applicant demonstrated exceptional skills or qualities. Use anecdotes that illustrate the applicant’s character, dedication, or ability to overcome challenges. These stories make the recommendation letter more engaging and memorable.

Demonstrating the applicant’s character, values, and potential

Go beyond listing achievements and grades by showcasing the applicant’s character and values. Discuss their work ethic, integrity, resilience, and passion for their field of study. Additionally, emphasize their potential for future success and impact, both academically and in their chosen career path.

Using Language and Tone Appropriately

Writing in a professional and positive tone

Maintain a professional tone throughout the recommendation letter. Use formal language and avoid slang or colloquialisms. Convey enthusiasm and confidence in the applicant’s abilities while remaining sincere and authentic.

Avoiding clichés and generic statements

Steer clear of clichés and generic statements that offer little insight into the applicant’s unique qualities. Instead, provide specific details that differentiate the applicant from others and demonstrate their exceptional qualities and potential.

Tailoring the letter to reflect the applicant’s unique qualities

Each recommendation letter should be personalized to reflect the applicant’s individual strengths, accomplishments, and goals. Avoid using generic templates and take the time to craft a letter that highlights the applicant’s distinct qualities and contributions.

Proofreading and Editing the Recommendation Letter

Checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors

Before finalizing the recommendation letter, proofread it carefully to ensure there are no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Such errors can detract from the overall impression and professionalism of the letter.

Ensuring clarity and coherence

Ensure that the recommendation letter is clear, coherent, and easy to read. Use concise and straightforward language to convey your points effectively. Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms that may confuse the reader.

Seeking feedback from others before finalizing the letter

Consider sharing the draft of the recommendation letter with colleagues or trusted individuals for their feedback. Their insights can help identify areas that need improvement or provide suggestions for enhancing the overall effectiveness of the letter.

Submitting the Recommendation Letter

Following submission guidelines and deadlines

Adhere to the scholarship’s submission guidelines and deadlines when submitting the recommendationletter. Pay attention to the preferred method of submission, whether it’s through an online portal, email, or physical mail. Ensure that the letter is submitted well in advance of the deadline to allow for any unforeseen delays.

Sending the letter through the appropriate channels

If there are specific instructions for sending the recommendation letter, such as addressing it to a particular individual or department, make sure to follow those instructions precisely. Double-check the recipient’s contact information to avoid any errors or misplacements.


Writing scholarship recommendation letters requires careful thought, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the applicant’s qualifications and potential. By choosing the right recommenders, providing them with necessary information, crafting compelling and personalized letters, and adhering to guidelines for submission, you can greatly contribute to the applicant’s chances of securing a scholarship. Your well-written recommendation letters serve as powerful endorsements and provide valuable insights for selection committees, helping them make informed decisions.


How many recommendation letters should I submit for a scholarship application?

The number of recommendation letters required varies for each scholarship. Check the scholarship guidelines or contact the scholarship provider to determine the specific requirements. Typically, one to three recommendation letters are sufficient.

Should I ask for recommendation letters from professors or employers?

It is advisable to seek recommendation letters from individuals who can speak to different aspects of your abilities and character. If you are a student, professors or academic mentors who have observed your academic performance and potential can provide valuable insights. If you have work experience, employers or supervisors who can comment on your professional skills and work ethic are ideal recommenders.

Can I see the recommendation letter before it is submitted?

It is generally considered inappropriate to ask to see the recommendation letter before it is submitted. The purpose of the letter is for the recommender to provide an honest and objective assessment of your qualifications. Trust the recommender to highlight your strengths and advocate for your candidacy.

Should I provide my recommenders with a template or guidelines?

You can provide your recommenders with general guidelines or an overview of what the scholarship is looking for in a candidate. However, avoid providing them with a template or a pre-written letter. The recommendation letter should reflect the recommender’s own observations and assessment of your qualifications.

Is it necessary to send a thank-you note to the recommender after the letter is submitted?

Sending a thank-you note or expressing gratitude to the recommender is a thoughtful gesture. While it is not mandatory, it is a way to show appreciation for their time and effort in supporting your scholarship application. A sincere thank-you note can strengthen your relationship with the recommender and leave a positive impression.

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